ConnectWise RMM Pricing

ConnectWise RMM Pricing – ConnectWise RMM is a remote monitoring and management (RMM) software solution that offers a wide range of features to help MSPs manage their clients’ IT infrastructure.

What is ConnectWise RMM

  ConnectWise RMM is a remote monitoring and management (RMM) software solution specifically designed for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to efficiently manage their clients’ IT infrastructure. It’s the next generation of ConnectWise Automate, built from the ground up to offer:
  • Simplified user experience: Compared to Automate, RMM boasts a more intuitive interface and out-of-the-box setup, ideal for new users.
  • Enhanced automation: It leverages the deep automation capabilities of Automate while introducing AI-powered automation, further streamlining tasks.
  • Scalability: The platform is built for scalability, allowing MSPs to manage a growing number of clients and devices effectively.

Key Features of ConnectWise RMM

Key Features of ConnectWise RMM, include:
  • Intelligent Monitoring & Alerts:
    • Continuously monitors devices and systems for potential issues.
    • Consolidates related events into single, actionable tickets, minimizing false positives and streamlining troubleshooting.
  • Simplified Patch Management:
    • Automates patch deployment, ensuring timely updates for critical security vulnerabilities and improving overall system stability.
  • Network Mastery:
    • Provides comprehensive network monitoring and management capabilities, allowing for:
      • Identifying and resolving network issues proactively.
      • Optimizing network performance and bandwidth utilization.
      • Gaining insights into network health and usage patterns.
  • AI-powered Automation:
    • Leverages artificial intelligence to automate repetitive tasks, including:
    • Frees up technicians’ time for more strategic work and improves service delivery efficiency.
  • Reliable and Secure Remote Access:
    • Enables technicians to securely access and manage client devices remotely, providing efficient troubleshooting and support functionalities.
  • Powerful Scripting:
    • Offers advanced scripting capabilities for automating complex tasks and customizing workflows, allowing for further flexibility and control.
  • Integrated Expert Services:
    • Provides access to ConnectWise’s team of experts, offering additional support and guidance for various IT management scenarios.
  • Advanced Reporting & Data Insights:
    • Generates comprehensive reports and provides insightful data visualizations to help MSPs gain a deeper understanding of their clients’ IT environment, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Dynamic Device Grouping:
    • Allows for flexible organization of devices based on various criteria, such as device type, operating system, location, or any relevant attribute, simplifying management and task execution.
  • SaaS Backup:
    • Integrates with ConnectWise’s SaaS backup solution to provide centralized protection for clients’ cloud-based applications.
These features, combined with the platform’s scalability and intuitive interface, make ConnectWise RMM a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for MSPs to effectively manage their clients’ IT infrastructure.

Benefits of Using ConnectWise RMM for MSPs:

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity:
  • Automation: Automates repetitive tasks like patching, configuration management, and user provisioning, freeing up technicians’ time for more strategic work and complex problem-solving.
  • Centralized Management: Provides a single platform to monitor, manage, and troubleshoot all client devices, reducing time spent switching between disparate tools and improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Streamlined Ticketing: Consolidates related alerts into actionable tickets, minimizing false positives and reducing time spent sorting through irrelevant information.
Improved Security and Reliability:
  • Proactive Monitoring: Continuously monitors devices for potential issues and vulnerabilities, allowing for early detection and prevention of security threats and potential downtime.
  • Simplified Patch Management: Ensures timely deployment of critical security patches, closing security gaps and keeping systems protected against evolving threats.
  • Remote Access and Management: Enables secure remote access to client devices, facilitating efficient troubleshooting and minimizing disruption to client operations.
Scalability and Growth:
  • Flexible Tiering: Offers various pricing tiers with different feature sets, allowing MSPs to choose the option that best suits their needs and budget, and scale up as their business grows.
  • Dynamic Device Grouping: Enables efficient management of a large and diverse device base by allowing for organization based on various criteria, simplifying task execution and reporting.
  • Integration with other ConnectWise products: Integrates seamlessly with other ConnectWise solutions like Manage and Control, allowing for comprehensive IT management within a unified ecosystem.
Enhanced Service Delivery and Client Satisfaction:
  • Faster Issue Resolution: Proactive monitoring and streamlined ticketing systems enable quicker identification and resolution of client issues, improving service delivery time and client satisfaction.
  • Improved Communication: Provides tools for better communication with clients, keeping them informed about their IT environment and any potential issues.
  • Demonstrated Expertise: Enables MSPs to showcase their proactive approach to IT management and security, building trust and loyalty with clients.
Overall, ConnectWise RMM empowers MSPs to:
  • Deliver efficient and cost-effective IT management services.
  • Proactively secure their clients’ IT infrastructure.
  • Scale their business and improve profitability.
  • Enhance client satisfaction and build stronger relationships.

The ConnectWise RMM Pricing

ConnectWise RMM Pricing ConnectWise RMM is a remote monitoring and management (RMM) software solution that offers a wide range of features to help MSPs manage their clients’ IT infrastructure. The software is available in three different pricing tiers:
  • Lite: The Lite tier is the most affordable option and is designed for MSPs just starting out. It includes basic features such as remote monitoring, patch management, and scripting.
  • Standard: The Standard tier is a good option for MSPs who need more features than the Lite tier offers. It includes all of the features in the Lite tier, plus additional features such as antivirus and anti-malware protection, network monitoring, and mobile device management.
  • Advanced: The Advanced tier is the most comprehensive option and is designed for MSPs who need the most features and functionality. It includes all of the features in the Standard tier, plus additional features such as asset management, IT documentation, and disaster recovery.
Unfortunately, ConnectWise does not publicly list the pricing for their RMM solution. Instead, they follow a custom quoting approach where they tailor the price based on several factors specific to your needs, including:
  • Number of devices: This is the primary factor influencing the cost, with per-device pricing increasing as the number of devices managed grows.
  • Pricing tier: ConnectWise offers different tiers with varying features and functionalities. Higher tiers with more features typically cost more.
  • Contract term: Longer contract terms may offer discounted pricing compared to month-to-month subscriptions.
Here’s how you can obtain a customized quote for ConnectWise RMM:
  1. Visit the ConnectWise RMM website:
  2. Click on the “Request Pricing” button.
  3. Fill out the form with your contact information and desired features.
  4. A ConnectWise representative will contact you to discuss your needs and provide a customized quote.
Alternatives to explore pricing:
  • Review platforms: Websites like offer estimations and comparisons of RMM solutions, including ConnectWise, based on user reviews and reported pricing. However, since the information is user-submitted, it might not be entirely accurate and up-to-date.
  • ConnectWise partners: Authorized ConnectWise partners might have some insights into pricing options and may be able to offer guidance or quotes based on their experience.
While obtaining specific pricing details requires contacting ConnectWise directly, exploring the aforementioned alternatives can give you a general sense of the cost structure and potential range for ConnectWise RMM.